Monday, December 11, 2006

I think I know who keeps sales up...

Poking around the internet I found this article. A very amusing read; especally if you are a female who went to Bob Jones.

Though I must admit that hose never bothered me too much when I wore them. I still wear them on occasion here.

As long as there is a hose rule at BJ hosery companies will stay in business.


Becca said...

Gimme a break... When did you ever wear hose at BJ?

What are they gonna do when stores stop carrying hose? Not *gasp* let hose go the way of ladies' dress gloves!?

Joanna said...
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Joanna said...

I did not say I wore them all the time. But I did wear them. Usually I was not wearing them out laziness, not intense hatred. And hey - I only got no hose D's once in 5 years.